Our Team

Together we can create or improve your food safety management system and expand your food safety knowledge.
We help our clients reimagine, restructure and renew business functions to create agile and resilient organizations.
Keenan WebberCEO

Our auditors and trainers

Our auditors are accredited high-risk auditors approved to conduct third-party food audits on behalf of the regulatory bodies in the states of NSW, VIC and QLD.

Our trainers hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

We are affiliated with the following Government or professional bodies:

Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST)
Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia (SFMCA)
Exemplar Global
Department of Primary Industries, NSW Food Authority
Queensland Health
Department of Health Victoria
Dairy Industry Association of Australia

Our Team

One of the outstanding benefits of working with our company is our auditors are also qualified trainers and have extensive practical experience in a variety of businesses.

Consultant, Accredited High-Risk Auditor, Gillian Van Someren-Hurley

ConsultantDenis Critchley


Consultant, Trainer and Assessor.Andrew Pike


The operational processes are what drives the business

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Steps of Recruitment Process

We can help you with picking out the best people for your company.

Identify the HR Reqirement

Identify possible sources of HR Supply

Communicating the Information

Receiving Application


Consultant, Accredited High-Risk Auditor, Gillian Van Someren-Hurley

ConsultantDenis Critchley


Consultant, Trainer and Assessor.Andrew Pike

Gillian Van Someren-Hurley BSc(Nutr&FoodSc)

Gillian has several years’ experience as an accredited high-risk auditor, HACCP practitioner, food safety consultant and specialises in aged care food audits.

Gillian holds a Science Degree (Nutrition and Food Science) and is an accredited
trainer and assessor. As a Level 4 (NFSA-4) high risk auditor, she is accredited to conduct regulatory audits in the states of NSW, VIC and QLD. She is also accredited to conduct FeedSafe® audits for stock feed manufacturers.

Gillian regularly attends staff development days and zoom catch ups with the regulatory bodies in the relevant states to ensure currency in regard to compliance and food safety. She also keeps up to date by completing courses relevant to her line of work including food safety culture, shelf-life validation, food recall and good production practices in the feed industry.


Accredited High Risk Auditor, HACCP Practitioner, ConsultantGillian Van Someren-Hurley

Rachel O’Connor

Rachel is the newest member of our team.

Rachel has twelve (12) years’ experience as a chef both in Ireland and Australia. She has always had a keen interest in food safety and auditing, and recently completed a Certificate IV in Food Science and Technology at TAFE NSW. After realising how varied and interesting food audits can be, she applied herself and is now a third-party auditor accredited through the NSW Food Authority.

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